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Autor: Paweł Cymbor

  • Paweł Cymbor 24 posts

      Absolwent Telekomunikacji i Elektroniki na Politechnice Wrocławskiej. Zawodowo zajmuje się technologią 5G. Zainteresowania: podróże, literatura faktu i kuchnia orientalna. Uczulony na błędy językowe. Email: pcymbor(at)fakenews.pl

    The Ukrainian man in a trending video did not point his gun at passers-by in Poland

    The Ukrainian man in a trending video did not point his gun at passers-by in Poland

    On Saturday, a video appeared on social media showing a man holding an object resembling a gun and aiming it at people in one of Wrocław’s housing estates. Gazeta Wrocławska wrote about the case on the same day, giving a specific interpretation to the event. The title of the…

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    No Ukrainians were involved in the beating of young Poles on the Vistulan Boulevards

    No Ukrainians were involved in the beating of young Poles on the Vistulan Boulevards

    On 25 August, Zbigniew Stonoga published an edited video from the Vistulan Boulevards on his Facebook and Twitter accounts, showing two situations. In the first part, young men shout the Ukrainian national salute — Slava Ukraini (Glory to Ukraine). Then, in the second part, we see a fight.

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    The photo of the newlyweds performing Nazi salute was taken in Russia, not in Ukraine

    The photo of the newlyweds performing Nazi salute was taken in Russia, not in Ukraine

    A photo of newlyweds and their wedding guests has been popular on social media for several months. In the background, two men are holding a Ukrainian flag. In the article we explain that the photo is a photomontage and was actually taken in Russia. Claim: Newlyweds from Ukraine…

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    High concentration of bismuth in Lublin is a result of rainfall

    High concentration of bismuth in Lublin is a result of rainfall

    In the morning of 13 May, an explosion took place in the Khmelnytskyi Oblast in western Ukraine. The Russian attack was aimed at critical infrastructure. Narratives appeared on the Internet that a “depleted uranium” storage facility was hit and destroyed. Increased measurements of the bismuth isotope from 15 May were presented as…

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    Heroic action at the pedestrian crossing is a video montage

    Heroic action at the pedestrian crossing is a video montage

    On 3 December, Damian Żurawski, a municipal councillor from Sosnowiec, shared a video on his Twitter and Facebook accounts showing a man saving a child at the last minute from being hit by an SUV driver who was overtaking at a pedestrian crossing. He added the following caption:…

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    The flag given by Zelenskyy to the U.S. Congress does not contain SS symbolism

    The flag given by Zelenskyy to the U.S. Congress does not contain SS symbolism

    On 21 December, 2022, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed a joint session of U.S. Congress. After that speech, he gifted a Ukrainian flag with signatures of the defenders of Bakhmut to U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris and the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. It was this object, subjected to…

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    Australia did not enact a social credit system

    Australia did not enact a social credit system

    A video with a fragment of a news segment from Australia has become very popular on the Internet. In the footage, a reporter informs about the idea that citizens would need 100 points of identification to be able to use social networking sites such as Facebook or Instagram. In this…

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    The morality police in Iran has not been abolished

    The morality police in Iran has not been abolished

    On 4 December, the AFP news agency announced on its official Twitter account that the morality police in Iran had been abolished. It was based on a statement made by Iran’s Attorney General, Jafar Montazeri, to local media. This sensational news was shared by the media around the world.

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    The model in the picture is not Lotta Volkova

    The model in the picture is not Lotta Volkova

    In November, an advertising campaign by the Balenciaga fashion house echoed loudly, depicting children holding teddy bears in harnesses and mesh tops in BDSM style. Balenciaga issued a statement admitting the mistake and apologizing for the campaign. The case was commented by a Polish singer Edyta Górniak. On…

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    Ukrainian football supporters were not arrested in Qatar for using Nazi symbols

    Ukrainian football supporters were not arrested in Qatar for using Nazi symbols

    The Football World Cup in Qatar began on 20 November. This is the biggest sporting event in the world, with the largest media coverage. Russian propaganda also takes advantage of its popularity. A video disguised as an Al Jazeera material has been gaining more and more popularity on the web. It…

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