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Manipulation Pfizer informed about the risk of myocarditis already in 2021

Pfizer informed about the risk of myocarditis already in 2021

For several weeks, information has been circulating on social media that after two years, Pfizer has finally “admitted” that their vaccinations cause myocarditis and pericarditis. This narrative has been shared by many accounts long known for their anti-vaccination activities, as well as by various politicians. In reality, however, it is…

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Manipulation Pfizer did not need to test the vaccine for transmission prevention. This does not mean, however, that no such tests have been conducted

Pfizer did not need to test the vaccine for transmission prevention. This does not mean, however, that no such tests have been conducted

The speech of Janine Small, a representative of Pfizer, in the European Parliament about the lack of research on transmission before the introduction of vaccines on the market, was widely commented in the Internet space. The recording of her response was shared by numerous accounts as evidence of inefficiency of…

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