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Autor: Karol Orzeł

  • Karol Orzeł 34 posts

    Założyciel, twórca fakenews.pl i fundator Fundacji "Przeciwdziałamy Dezinformacji". Zawodowo zajmuje się bezpieczeństwem w internecie i programowaniem. Prywatnie społecznik, pasjonat internetu. Wieloletni wolontariusz Fundacji "Dom w Łodzi". Wolontariusz roku 2015 województwa łódzkiego. Jeden z laureatów Barw Wolontariatu w 2015 roku. Email: kontakt(at)fakenews.pl

National Geographic’s May 2017 cover with naked white woman and black man is fake

National Geographic’s May 2017 cover with naked white woman and black man is fake

In recent days, a fake cover of National Geographic has been circulating online. It depicts a nude white woman in the arms of a naked black man. The text on the cover suggests that the theme of the issue is the evolution of the European population towards the mixing of…

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Videos presenting absurd censorship on Iranian TV are a joke

Videos presenting absurd censorship on Iranian TV are a joke

Videos showing bizarre censorship of women’s sports on Iranian television have been circulating on social media for quite a while. In connection with the recent Olympic Games in Paris, these recordings have gained considerable popularity. They show women’s bodies clumsily covered by black asterisks, and the whole situation seems extremely…

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Olena Zelenska did not buy a Bugatti car for 4.5 million euros

Olena Zelenska did not buy a Bugatti car for 4.5 million euros

On 1 July, the news reporting that Olena Zelenska was the first person to buy a Bugatti Tourbillon sports car, became very popular on the Internet. This turned out to be yet another example of Russian disinformation. In our article we present a number of mistakes made by the…

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Imane Khelif was not stripped of her gold medal or banned from the Olympics

Imane Khelif was not stripped of her gold medal or banned from the Olympics

On 8 September, a new post about the Algerian Imane Khelif appeared on social media. According to its content, the boxer was banned from fighting for life, and all medals won and the prize money of $25 million were taken away from her. This entry is an example of classic…

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Who coordinates the pro-Russian anti-war movements? We reveal the network of organizations involved

Who coordinates the pro-Russian anti-war movements? We reveal the network of organizations involved

This analysis was created in cooperation with analysts of the Slovak department of GLOBSEC and Hungarian Political Capital, with the support of the Open Information Partnership. We analysed the activities of pro-Russian anti-war movements in the information space of Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary. In this…

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Kamala Harris did not cover up the sale of fetal organs. That is old fake news

Kamala Harris did not cover up the sale of fetal organs. That is old fake news

Kamala Harris has recently become the new Democratic candidate for the President of the United States. The elections are slowly entering their decisive phase and the fight is becoming increasingly intense. Therefore, there is a lot of fake news circulating on the Internet. One of the popular stories claims that…

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Deepfake Audio as a Disinformation Tool

Deepfake Audio as a Disinformation Tool

Along with the technological development, there are more and more tools that can threaten democracy. One of them are applications that use voice cloning (also referred to as deepfake audio). They are cheap and easy to use, and yet difficult to detect. What is voice cloning? Voice cloning involves reproducing…

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Appeals to Zelenskyy from American celebrities are Russian manipulation

Appeals to Zelenskyy from American celebrities are Russian manipulation

A series of videos addressed to Zelenskyy have been circulating on social media for months. They allegedly show American celebrities speaking to the president of Ukraine, asking him to take steps to fight his drug addiction. In fact, this is a Russian disinformation narrative that has been circulating since the…

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Pfizer informed about the risk of myocarditis already in 2021

Pfizer informed about the risk of myocarditis already in 2021

For several weeks, information has been circulating on social media that after two years, Pfizer has finally “admitted” that their vaccinations cause myocarditis and pericarditis. This narrative has been shared by many accounts long known for their anti-vaccination activities, as well as by various politicians. In reality, however, it is…

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CNN did not fabricate the footage of the missile attack

CNN did not fabricate the footage of the missile attack

CNN has been repeatedly accused by conspiracy theorists of staging dramatic situations. This time, such accusations were made against Clarissa Ward’s reporting from the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip. According to this theory, the journalist and her team only feigned fear, and the sounds of explosions were allegedly…

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