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Autor: Karol Orzeł

  • Karol Orzeł 37 posts

    Założyciel, twórca fakenews.pl i fundator Fundacji "Przeciwdziałamy Dezinformacji". Zawodowo zajmuje się bezpieczeństwem w internecie i programowaniem. Prywatnie społecznik, pasjonat internetu. Wieloletni wolontariusz Fundacji "Dom w Łodzi". Wolontariusz roku 2015 województwa łódzkiego. Jeden z laureatów Barw Wolontariatu w 2015 roku. Email: kontakt(at)fakenews.pl

Appeals to Zelenskyy from American celebrities are Russian manipulation

Appeals to Zelenskyy from American celebrities are Russian manipulation

A series of videos addressed to Zelenskyy have been circulating on social media for months. They allegedly show American celebrities speaking to the president of Ukraine, asking him to take steps to fight his drug addiction. In fact, this is a Russian disinformation narrative that has been circulating since the…

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Pfizer informed about the risk of myocarditis already in 2021

Pfizer informed about the risk of myocarditis already in 2021

For several weeks, information has been circulating on social media that after two years, Pfizer has finally “admitted” that their vaccinations cause myocarditis and pericarditis. This narrative has been shared by many accounts long known for their anti-vaccination activities, as well as by various politicians. In reality, however, it is…

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CNN did not fabricate the footage of the missile attack

CNN did not fabricate the footage of the missile attack

CNN has been repeatedly accused by conspiracy theorists of staging dramatic situations. This time, such accusations were made against Clarissa Ward’s reporting from the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip. According to this theory, the journalist and her team only feigned fear, and the sounds of explosions were allegedly…

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The tests of alarm systems on 4 October in the U.S. will not serve the purpose of depopulation

The tests of alarm systems on 4 October in the U.S. will not serve the purpose of depopulation

In recent days, information has begun to appear on social media that a test alarm was to be carried out on 4th and 11th October, 2023. The U.S. government allegedly wants to conduct it globally. According to conspiracy theorists, these are actually tests of 5G devices. Their goal is…

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Zelenskyy and cocaine – false Kremlin narratives about drug addicts ruling Ukraine

Zelenskyy and cocaine – false Kremlin narratives about drug addicts ruling Ukraine

Russian propaganda has long been trying to discredit the legally elected, democratic authorities in Kyiv. On 25 February, 2022, during a meeting of the Security Council, Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed Ukrainians with the following words: “It seems that it will be easier for us to reach an agreement with…

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The alleged German video about Ukrainian refugees is a manipulation

The alleged German video about Ukrainian refugees is a manipulation

A German video presenting an anti-Ukrainian campaign has been circulating on the Internet for several days. Refugees from Ukraine are compared to clasps tightened on women’s nipples. Their presence is supposedly destroying the German economy, so the only solution is to break the bonds and send the refugees back to…

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Assault in England: the stabber was the victim’s husband, not an immigrant

Assault in England: the stabber was the victim’s husband, not an immigrant

For several days, a video has been circulating on social media showing a black man attacking a white woman with a knife. It takes place on a street in the middle of a city. Many accounts quickly picked up on the topic, insinuating that the attack was racist and that…

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Chancellor Scholz had no grandfather in the Waffen SS

Chancellor Scholz had no grandfather in the Waffen SS

From time to time, a graphic depicting a Waffen SS officer and the current Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, circulates on social media. The meme suggests that Fritz Scholz, the Nazi in the photo, is the grandfather of the current head of the German government. In this article we explain…

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Olena Zelenska did not obtain an Israeli passport

Olena Zelenska did not obtain an Israeli passport

On 19 June, Olena Zelenska paid an official visit to Israel. Anti-Ukrainian propaganda decided to take advantage of this event by creating a fake Israeli passport, which the first lady of Ukraine was supposed to obtain. In the article, we explain all the mistakes made by counterfeiters. Claim:…

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Recent military movements in the U.S. are nothing unusual

Recent military movements in the U.S. are nothing unusual

For several days, social media has been flooded with videos of large U.S. military movements. Conspiracy theorists quickly picked up on the topic, sharing dozens of videos showing armoured vehicles on American streets and in rail transport. They then linked the pictures with the outbreak of the Third World…

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