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Autor: Karol Orzeł

  • Karol Orzeł 39 posts

    Założyciel, twórca fakenews.pl i fundator Fundacji "Przeciwdziałamy Dezinformacji". Zawodowo zajmuje się bezpieczeństwem w internecie i programowaniem. Prywatnie społecznik, pasjonat internetu. Wieloletni wolontariusz Fundacji "Dom w Łodzi". Wolontariusz roku 2015 województwa łódzkiego. Jeden z laureatów Barw Wolontariatu w 2015 roku. Email: kontakt(at)fakenews.pl

Olena Zelenska did not obtain an Israeli passport

Olena Zelenska did not obtain an Israeli passport

On 19 June, Olena Zelenska paid an official visit to Israel. Anti-Ukrainian propaganda decided to take advantage of this event by creating a fake Israeli passport, which the first lady of Ukraine was supposed to obtain. In the article, we explain all the mistakes made by counterfeiters. Claim:…

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Recent military movements in the U.S. are nothing unusual

Recent military movements in the U.S. are nothing unusual

For several days, social media has been flooded with videos of large U.S. military movements. Conspiracy theorists quickly picked up on the topic, sharing dozens of videos showing armoured vehicles on American streets and in rail transport. They then linked the pictures with the outbreak of the Third World…

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The beating in the school toilet happened in Russia

The beating in the school toilet happened in Russia

On 9 June, a video appeared on Twitter showing a boy being beaten by his peer in a school restroom. The author of the tweet described him with the words: „Ukraińcy już rezają Polaków w polskich szkołach” (Eng.: “Ukrainians are already beating up Poles in Polish schools”). The video with…

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Explosion in Khmelnytskyi. There is no evidence of depleted uranium munitions

Explosion in Khmelnytskyi. There is no evidence of depleted uranium munitions

The explosion in Khmelnytskyi is a topic that has been circulating on social media for several days. Numerous recordings show a huge explosion and a cloud resembling a mushroom cloud. Many Internet users claim that depleted uranium munitions for Challenger 2 tanks were stored in warehouses there. This would constitute…

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Pizza box did not contribute to the arrest of Andrew Tate

Pizza box did not contribute to the arrest of Andrew Tate

One of the most popular stories at the end of 2022 was a verbal feud on social media between Greta Thunberg, a climate activist, and Andrew Tate, a former kick-boxer and popular influencer spreading conspiracy theories. Shortly after, Tate was arrested i.a. on human trafficking charges, and media…

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COVID-19 vaccination does not result in a positive HIV test

COVID-19 vaccination does not result in a positive HIV test

A photo of the late Luc Montagnier, a French virologist who became famous for his complicity in the discovery of HIV, has been very popular on social media. It illustrates a post with a quote attributed to the virologist that after receiving the third dose of COVID-19 vaccine, people…

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Protect yourself and others from disinformation – infographic

Protect yourself and others from disinformation – infographic

In connection with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, social media has been flooded with an unprecedented wave of disinformation. We are dealing with an information war that is aimed at all of us. Based on the trends appearing on social networks, it can be seen that one of…

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Buzz Aldrin never stated that humans did not land on the Moon. This is a manipulation

Buzz Aldrin never stated that humans did not land on the Moon. This is a manipulation

Landing on the Moon is one of the greatest achievements in human history. Almost everybody has heard of it. As in the case of many extraordinary events, this one also gave rise to numerous conspiracy theories. According to them, the Americans have never landed on the Moon, and it…

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Russian disinformation in Eastern Europe, October 17-23 – a summary report

Russian disinformation in Eastern Europe, October 17-23 – a summary report

The Ukraine War Disinfo Working Group is glad to present the report on Kremlin propaganda around the Russia-Ukraine war in the region. Trends of the week: Russia seeks peace, but the West pushes on the war.  Indeed, this is the West that launched this war; this is the West that…

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Pfizer did not need to test the vaccine for transmission prevention. This does not mean, however, that no such tests have been conducted

Pfizer did not need to test the vaccine for transmission prevention. This does not mean, however, that no such tests have been conducted

The speech of Janine Small, a representative of Pfizer, in the European Parliament about the lack of research on transmission before the introduction of vaccines on the market, was widely commented in the Internet space. The recording of her response was shared by numerous accounts as evidence of inefficiency of…

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