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Autor: Mateusz Zadroga

  • Mateusz Zadroga 22 posts

    Absolwent Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie. Ukończył historię ze specjalizacją w zakresie Powstania Chmielnickiego oraz ogólną historią wojskowości. Działacz społeczny, pracował dla kilku organizacji pozarządowych, zajmujących się pomocą opuszczonym i osieroconym dzieciom. W fakenews.pl od grudnia 2020 roku. Prywatnie jego pasją jest muzyka, interesuje się również historią transportu, nowymi technologiami oraz astronomią. Email: mzadroga(at)fakenews.pl

There’s no evidence that Einstein spoke of a generation of idiots

There’s no evidence that Einstein spoke of a generation of idiots

Albert Einstein seems to be (along with George Orwell) the most frequent victim of false quotes being attributed to him. Due to the fact that he was an outstanding scientist and a widely known figure, words that he never said are often put into his mouth. We have already described similar…

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The myth of the Great Patriotic War as a justification for the invasion of Ukraine. Part 2 – Remembrance and Propaganda in the Putin Era

The myth of the Great Patriotic War as a justification for the invasion of Ukraine. Part 2 – Remembrance and Propaganda in the Putin Era

Vladimir Putin took power in 1999 as the second president of the Russian Federation. Relatively quickly, he began to recreate the myth of the Great Patriotic War, attaching more and more importance to it over the years. For him, it became an extremely important element of the historical policy aimed…

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The myth of the Great Patriotic War as a justification for the invasion of Ukraine. Part 1 – Historical Context

The myth of the Great Patriotic War as a justification for the invasion of Ukraine. Part 1 – Historical Context

22 June, 1941 was a turning point in the history of the USSR. The Great Patriotic War began. The German operation “Barbarossa” was to change both the course of World War II and the history of the entire world. And it did, although not in a way Adolf Hitler wanted…

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Damon Imani did not insult Klaus Schwab during the Davos conference

Damon Imani did not insult Klaus Schwab during the Davos conference

In recent days, Damon Imani has been enjoying great interest among conspiracy theorists. This is a result of an alleged speech at the World Economic Forum (WEF). A video circulating online shows Imani attacking Klaus Schwab with vulgar words during the conference. In fact, we are dealing with satire and…

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“Hamas beheaded 40 children” – An analysis of media reports surrounding the massacre at an Israeli kibbutz

“Hamas beheaded 40 children” – An analysis of media reports surrounding the massacre at an Israeli kibbutz

In the first weeks after the terrorist attack on Israel, information circulated in the media that Hamas had beheaded 40 children. Naturally, it evoked strong emotions. However, it quickly turned out that the news may not be completely true. Almost two months have passed since these events, so we decided…

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Children in cages kidnapped by Hamas? We analyse a popular video

Children in cages kidnapped by Hamas? We analyse a popular video

In recent days, a video showing children in cages has been circulating online. According to many Internet users, they come from Israel and have been kidnapped by Hamas. This is another recording that is flooding the Internet in connection with the Hamas attack on Israel. In reality, however, the…

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Rainforest Alliance, atrazine, and Bill Gates. We verify the narratives around the green frog logo

Rainforest Alliance, atrazine, and Bill Gates. We verify the narratives around the green frog logo

The Rainforest Alliance logo on food products has been causing strong emotions among conspiracy theorists for a long time. The organization has been linked to, among others, Bill Gates and accused of spraying their products with atrazine. This substance is said to be toxic and turn male frogs into females.

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There is no evidence that the girl held by Bolesław Bierut in the photo is Agnieszka Holland

There is no evidence that the girl held by Bolesław Bierut in the photo is Agnieszka Holland

The film “Zielona Granica” (English: “Green Border”) directed by Agnieszka Holland has caused a lot of controversy in recent weeks. It has become part of the current political debate and has become an element of the upcoming elections. Due to this, there were many negative emotions surrounding the director. Many…

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Hawaii: Direct energy weapons have not been used to start the fires

Hawaii: Direct energy weapons have not been used to start the fires

Hawaii and direct energy weapons have been one of the main topics in recent days. The fires on the islands were supposed to be started with lasers from the sky. This alleged conspiracy by governments would be designed to convince citizens that global warming is real. Evidence of the use…

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Mel Gibson is not making a documentary on child sex trafficking in Ukraine

Mel Gibson is not making a documentary on child sex trafficking in Ukraine

For several years, Mel Gibson has been seen by conspiracy theorists as an ally. It is believed that he is or will be exposing the corruption of the elite and the sinister practices of those in Hollywood and beyond. According to information on social media, his latest documentary will…

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