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Autor: Sebastian Wojcieszko

  • Sebastian Wojcieszko 5 posts

      Absolwent historii na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. Zawodowo związany z muzealnictwem. Wielki entuzjasta nauki, rozumu i metody naukowej. Interesuje się historią, filozofią, literaturą piękną, astrofizyką i astronomią, nowymi technologiami, wojskowością. Zwolennik faktów i prawdy, nawet tej niewygodnej.

    Why does Russian propaganda portray Ukrainians as Nazis?

    Why does Russian propaganda portray Ukrainians as Nazis?

    Russian propaganda remains very much active, trying to convince the public opinion of its arguments both in the Russian Federation and throughout the world. One of its favourite themes is Nazism, which is allegedly a widely professed ideology among Ukrainians. Russian propagandists constantly play the above card and use it…

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    Polsat News did not inform about war crimes committed by the Azov Regiment in Mariupol

    Polsat News did not inform about war crimes committed by the Azov Regiment in Mariupol

    The war in Ukraine has been going on for over two months. Fighting takes place not only on the ground and in the air, but also in the information space. More and more false information is appearing on social media. Its goal is to increase public support for one of…

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    Israel does not plan to move to south-eastern Ukraine

    Israel does not plan to move to south-eastern Ukraine

    Conspiracy theories are constantly popular online and are the perfect weapon in information warfare. Recently, on the occasion of the COVID-19 pandemic, a real flood of various more or less unlikely hypotheses regarding, for example, the origin of the virus causing the disease, could be observed. It is also known…

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    Russian disinformation in Eastern Europe from July 11 through July 17, 2022 – a summary report

    Russian disinformation in Eastern Europe from July 11 through July 17, 2022 – a summary report

    Russian disinformation is constantly spreading false information and fighting for the hearts and souls of social media users. The subject of the analysis in this report are individual narratives spreading in the Baltic States (in Russian), Bulgaria, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine. The report…

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    Russian disinformation in Eastern Europe from June 27 through July 4, 2022 – a summary report

    Russian disinformation in Eastern Europe from June 27 through July 4, 2022 – a summary report

    Russian disinformation remains very much active. This report analyses the narratives spread in the Baltic states (in Russian), Bulgaria, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Slovakia, and Ukraine. The report summarises the work of several NGOs cooperating within the Open Information Partnership (including our service) in the period…

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