On June 6, on pro-Russian profiles on Telegram a post appeared, which suggests that Dariusz Majchrzak, a colonel of the Polish Army, is fighting in Ukraine and probably hiding in Sievierodonetsk. As the proof, a photo of the vehicle card uploaded to the network was published, accompanied by the information that it was found in one of buildings in this Ukrainian city. In the article we explain details of the latest Kremlin propaganda disinformation concerning the Polish officer.

Examples of Russian propaganda concerning the Polish officer
This false information about Col. Dariusz Majchrzak’s alleged participation in the Russian-Ukrainian war was published, among others, by Spanish, English and Polish Twitter accounts. The post with the fake news has been also published by the former Confederation candidate for the Sejm, Piotr Panasiuk.
Source: Twitter/Panasiuk

Dementi issued by spokesman of the Academy of War Arts
Col. Dariusz Majchrzak is the Vice-Rector for Military Affairs at the Academy of War Arts in Warsaw. We contacted the Academy’s spokesman, Col. Mariusz Młynarczyk, who denied the news spread on the Internet by pro-Russian accounts.
As he informed, Col. Dariusz Majchrzak, as one of the organizers, participated in the High Level Course today, intended for senior civilian and military employees of the EU countries’ ministries of defense. Information about the event was also published on the Twitter account of the Academy of War Arts. The picture presents Col. Dariusz Majchrzak.

The document visible on the photo, unless it has been completely falsified, belongs to another person. It’s indicated by the PESEL number, at least. In the scanned vehicle card, the year of birth of its owner is 1971, while Col. Dariusz Majchrzak was born on December 16, 1972. This information was confirmed during the phone call with Academy of War Arts’ spokesman, who in 2020 created Col. Majchrzak’s page on Wikipedia.

Information about the Polish officer’s alleged participation in the Russian-Ukrainian war was denied by the Academy of War Arts’ spokesman. Col. Dariusz Majchrzak participated in the official event organized in Warsaw today. Data on the photo of the vehicle card published on the Internet is different than the personal data of Col. Dariusz Majchrzak. The example above constitutes further evidence of the low quality of Kremlin propaganda.
Polish Army: https://www.wojsko-polskie.pl/aszwoj/17-csdp-high-level-course/
Academy of War Arts: https://twitter.com/AkademiaSzWoj/status/1533807188841533441
Wikipedia: https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dariusz_Majchrzak_ (military)