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Autor: Michał Pawela

  • Michał Pawela 2 posts

      Analityk, w Fakenews.pl od maja 2020. Zajmuje się wywiadem jawnoźródłowym i analizą informacji w bezpieczeństwie międzynarodowym. Zaangażowany w projekty dotyczące dezinformacji, ekstremizmu politycznego i wojny informacyjnej. Prywatnie miłośnik dalekich wypraw z plecakiem i leśnych wędrówek. Email: mpawela(at)fakenews.pl

    Abandoned electric cars in France? No, this is China

    Abandoned electric cars in France? No, this is China

    Photos of cemeteries of electric cars have been appearing on social media for some time. We already described a very similar case about a parking for unused “electric cars” in the vicinity of Paris. This time, numerous posts on Twitter and Facebook suggest that this popular photo depicts a cemetery of…

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    The far right: from pandemic to war

    The far right: from pandemic to war

    Have you ever wondered which side of a political argument is responsible for most of the false information that is in the nature of conspiracy theories? Is there any correlation between political views and the propensity to believe such content? We filter hundreds of pieces of information in our daily…

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