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Russian disinformation in Eastern Europe, September 26 – October 2 – a summary report

Russian disinformation in Eastern Europe, September 26 – October 2 – a summary report

The Ukraine War Disinfo Working Group is glad to present the report on Kremlin propaganda around the Russia-Ukraine war in the region.

Trends of the week:

  • “The US is responsible for the sabotage on the NS”. Russian-backed manipulators across the region came up with coordinated narrative about the attack on the Nord Stream. Some of them go so far as to suggest that Russia can legitimately attack Western LPG tankers.
  • Staged referenda and the following “annexation” are claimed legitimate. Russia gets stronger, and finally will fight in full capacity – that’s the story that Kremlin voices tell.
  • Russian military action is still successful. Propagandists turn a blind eye to the Ukrainian successful offensive in Kharkiv oblast and the liberation of Lyman. Instead, they focus on small (hyper)local victories of Russian troops to create an illusion that the Russian army is still victorious.

Click here to download the report.

This report is a result of cooperation between 11 NGOs, think-tanks and researchers associated in the Ukraine War Disinfo Working Group. The group members monitor the narratives that appear on pro-Kremlin websites and in social media in eleven countries of Central and Eastern Europe on a daily basis. During monitoring, particular emphasis is placed on the narratives related to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The Group was founded in cooperation with Open Information Partnership

Partners: Civic Resilience Initiative (Lithuania), Analyses and Alternatives (Bulgaria), Prague Security Studies Initiative (Czechia), GRASS (Georgia), Atlatszo (Hungary), MOCT (North Macedonia), Fakenews.pl (Poland), Slovak Security Policy Institute (Slovakia), Detector Media (Ukraine), DebunkEu.org (Lithuania).


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