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National Geographic’s May 2017 cover with naked white woman and black man is fake

National Geographic’s May 2017 cover with naked white woman and black man is fake

In recent days, a fake cover of National Geographic has been circulating online. It depicts a nude white woman in the arms of a naked black man. The text on the cover suggests that the theme of the issue is the evolution of the European population towards the mixing of races. In reality, the cover picture of the May 2017 issue of National Geographic featured Albert Einstein. The photo used to create the fake cover of the magazine comes from an erotic session of models known as Coxy and Mike, photographed in 2012 by Petter Hegre.

National Geographic’s May 2017 cover features a nude white woman in the arms of a naked black man, and the issue’s theme is the evolution of the European population towards race mixing.

Fake Cover of National Geographic

The post with the alleged cover of National Geographic was published on 2 June on X and since then has been viewed more than 450,000 times. The same image was shared on Wykop website with a suggestive comment:

White woman, black man, normal family. That’s our future. There’s no room for white guys. Over and out. Period.

The post on jbzd.com portal featured the following caption:

White man is an endangered species. The comments echoed the conspiracy theory of great replacement.

National Geographic's May 2017 cover with naked white woman and black man is fake
Source: X

This is not the first time that the above image has been circulating on the web. In 2017, in response to a growing popularity of this fake, it was demented by an Italian service Butac and Slovak SME. In January 2017, it also appeared in the Polish infosphere. The image is one of the subtler shots by Petter Hegre from an erotic session of models named Coxy and Mike. In 2012, photos from this session were posted on a paid erotic page founded by Hegre.

Coxy and Mike animal attraction

The title of the cover story itself already raises suspicion: Evolution Europe. How waves of immigrants are breeding the future. The correct wording of the first part is Evolution of Europe or Europe’s Evolution. Another confusing title reads: The benefits of biracial children. The Pr0ncave sign above is, in turn, the name of a Tumblr account (we do not recommend typing this phrase into the search engine). Below is the actual cover of the May 2017 issue of National Geographic.

National Geographic cover for May 2017
National Geographic cover for May 2017


The fake cover of National Geographic is designed to amplify anti-immigrant and racist sentiments. Moreover, it is accompanied by often unironic comments depicting white men as a marginalised group. In fact, the May 2017 cover of National Geographic magazine featured Albert Einstein.


National Geographic: https://ngsingleissues.nationalgeographic.com/ngm_may_2017


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