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Protect yourself and others from disinformation – infographic

Protect yourself and others from disinformation – infographic

In connection with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, social media has been flooded with an unprecedented wave of disinformation. We are dealing with an information war that is aimed at all of us. Based on the trends appearing on social networks, it can be seen that one of the goals of Kremlin propaganda is to arouse anti-Ukrainian and anti-refugee sentiments and cause widespread panic.

For several months, you have been sending us various recordings referring to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine for verification. Analysing such materials is very time-consuming. Oftentimes, assessing their credibility is simply impossible. We try to prioritise such content, and the top priority is usually assigned to those that are the most popular, can potentially have the most harmful effect, or the verification of which is possible to carry out.

As a response to your interest, we decided to prepare a short infographic that will arm you with basic tools to fight disinformation. Remember – none of us is fully resistant to manipulation. If you realise that you made a mistake and shared false information, do not be afraid to admit the mistake and delete such post. Admitting one’s mistake is nothing to be ashamed of – on the contrary, it is an act of courage and a triumph of critical thinking.

You can download the whole package here or find the infographic below.

Protect yourself and others from disinformation - infographic

Protect yourself and others from disinformation - infographic Protect yourself and others from disinformation - infographic Protect yourself and others from disinformation - infographic



Założyciel, twórca fakenews.pl i fundator Fundacji "Przeciwdziałamy Dezinformacji". Zawodowo zajmuje się bezpieczeństwem w internecie i programowaniem. Prywatnie społecznik, pasjonat internetu. Wieloletni wolontariusz Fundacji "Dom w Łodzi". Wolontariusz roku 2015 województwa łódzkiego. Jeden z laureatów Barw Wolontariatu w 2015 roku. Email: kontakt(at)fakenews.pl