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Trump did not announce ice cream ban

Trump did not announce ice cream ban

A post shared on the X platform suggesting that Donald Trump plans to ban eating ice cream has gained significant popularity in recent weeks. This is to be allegedly carried out in cooperation with British cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a well-known critic of processed food. Although the information sparked numerous reactions, there is no evidence to confirm it. It’s true that Trump recently talked about ice cream, but he was referring to it in the context of fixing broken machines at McDonald’s.

Donald Trump wants to ban ice cream in the U.S.
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Trump did not announce ice cream ban
Source: X/politvidchannel

Malhotra against processed food

PoliticsVideoChannel’s post on X caused quite a stir. Its content suggested that Donald Trump was planning to ban eating ice cream in the United States. The account stated that the president-elect was working with Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a British cardiologist known for his criticism of processed food, who is allegedly involved in a project to ban ice cream. The doctor has been warning for years against the harmfulness of processed products, claiming that they contribute to the epidemic of chronic diseases in the USA.

No ice cream sign
Source: https://www.pexels.com/pl-pl/@paolo-t-6862/

Trump — a fast-food lover

Even though the post quickly gained popularity, there is no evidence to confirm this thesis. Moreover, Trump has repeatedly expressed positive opinions about fast food, including ice cream, in the past. During the last election campaign, he addressed the frequent failures of McDonald’s ice cream, promising that as president he would make “the machines work great again”.

Donald Trump zapewnia o naprawie maszyn do lodów
Source: X/realDonaldTrump


Although PoliticsVideoChannel’s post is attracting attention, there is no evidence that Donald Trump plans to ban eating ice cream. On the contrary, his earlier statements indicate his love for fast, although not very healthy food, and the information about his alleged cooperation with Dr. Aseem Malhotra seems to be just a rumour. This entire situation yet again highlights how important it is to apply a critical approach to sensational news published on social media.


Time: https://time.com/7095424/donald-trump-mcdonalds-love-campaign-kamala-harris-work-history/

Independent: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-mcdonalds-ice-cream-machines-maga-b2636287.html


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